when the employee stopped doing that job) and the column startdate (when the employee started that job). be done using Postgres' distinct on () SELECT distinct on (name) name, timestampreceived - LAG (timestampreceived, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY id ASC) as delta FROM message order by name, timestampreceived desc This will. In our example, we use the column enddate (i.e. You can use the solution with the window function, you just need to filter out the 'other' row. Postgresql difference between two timestamps in minutes. This function takes two arguments: the first is the end date and the second is the start date. In Postgresql, the difference between two timestamps in minutes can be calculated by providing the epoch as a sub-field to the Extract function, and the result from the Extract will be divided by 60 to get the minutes. Interval fields (p) length of time, with optional units to restrict the type. Postgresql difference between two timestamps in minutes. Time (p) time of day Timestamp tz (p) date and time with optional timezone. To calculate the difference between the timestamps in PostgreSQL, simply subtract the start timestamp from the end timestamp. SELECT date_trunc('hour', $1) + (cast(($2::varchar||' min') as interval) * round( (date_part('minute',$1)::float + date_part('second',$1)/ 60. Use the PostgreSQL AGE () function to retrieve the interval between two timestamps or dates. And what options do they have What nf variables affect date and time i/o What are the Available Date and Time Data types Date day of year using the Gregorian calendar. RETURNS TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE AS $$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION round_minutes( TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE, integer) This here are my sets of functions that will round, floor, and ceiling timestamps. The difference between two TIMESTAMPs is always an INTERVAL 4.3.22.