However, this may be due to their attachment to the nest site rather than their loyalty to each other. Many raptors form pair bonds, meaning they have one mate during their lifetime. Raptors lay one to six eggs every year, depending on the species, with both parents usually sharing the roles of incubation and brood rearing. Raptors live in nests, often found in tall trees, along cliffs or even atop utility poles. Vertically offset ear flaps help locate the source of a sound more precisely, but only nocturnal owls have vertically offset ear openings. Their ears are located behind their eyes on the edge of the facial disk and are concealed by feathers. The ears of a raptor are also essential in locating prey.

They instead have extra bones in their neck which allow them to move their whole head around For example, owls can rotate their heads 270 degrees (All About Birds). However, raptors are not able to move their eyes in their sockets. A bony shield above each eye protects the raptor from tree limbs, brush and struggling prey. (All About Birds) Their eyesight is roughly eight to ten times better than humans in reference, if a person had the vision of a hawk, they could read a newspaper a football field away. Buzzards, for example, can see rodents while soaring thousands of feet above the ground. Their eye sockets take up 25 to 67 percent of their skulls, which enables them to see their prey from great distances. Most raptors have varied diets, which often include: small mammals (such as mice and rabbits), reptiles (like snakes, lizards, and frogs), large insects (grasshoppers and cicadas for instance) and other birds (All About Birds).Īnother functional characteristic of raptors is their exceptional eyesight. The term “raptor” is derivative of the Latin word “raptus” meaning “one who seizes.” This can be attributed to their distinctive sharp talons and powerful feet, which capture and secure their prey, as well as hooked upper beak, which allows them to rip into prey and tear off flesh. Birds of Prey, otherwise known as Raptors, are unique from other types of birds in that they hunt and feed on other animals.